Wednesday 19 September 2012

Obaidul Karim Chairman Of Orion Group

During the year under review, we proved it beyond doubt that ORION GROUP is standing tall on strong fundamentals. Our business is governed by three strong principles - selecting premier tier I locations, playing large consolidated bets to propel growth and maintaining a high operating leverage. Even during boom time, we never forgot that real estate is a business that has less predictability on cash flows. Our business insight rightfully compelled us to remain conservative in financing our projects. All our land banks were acquired prudently at fair value. We were also successful in maintaining optimal material and overall project construction costs. The results are for everyone to see. Today, we enjoy one of the best balance sheets in the industry. With a strong equity and cash position, we are successfully creating assets without relying on debt for our growth. In fact, we are amongst the very few real estate companies that are entirely debt free at the parent level. 
Obaidul Karim - Orion Group
This has been a tremendous advantage in times of a general credit squeeze faced by our competitors, whose projects have languished and as a result, given even more visibility to our assets. Our sound cash and risk management abilities are reflected in the fact that our financial health was never in doubt, even at a time when our peers are dealing with the pressures of a liquidity crunch. OBAIDUL KARIM says A healthy cash position has empowered us to deliver optimum value by enabling time-bound execution of our projects, whilst allowing us to capitalise on other lucrative prospects. As a result, we are diligently releasing a pipeline of cost-effective products into the marketplace and aim to derive satisfactory returns from them. I strongly believe that strategies and efficient execution abilities go hand in hand - each one incomplete without the other. We have mastered both these prerequisites to success. Despite tough economic environment, these iconic destinations have been able to garner ample interest and closure. These projects are testimony to our unparalleled and aggressive execution capabilities, whilst adhering to the highest quality standards. 
Obaidul Karim - Orion Karim

OBAIDUL KARIM said most of our new projects under execution are mixed-used developments, highlighting our ability to adapt to the changing market requirements. Going forward, we aim to deliver solid traction towards our mixed residential and commercial projects across India. Our product designs go beyond delivering brick and mortar - they are conceived to fulfill the dreams of our future home owners. Every project is being undertaken with the unanimous objective of delivering superior client satisfaction. Keeping our distance from the stand-alone malls business for now further accentuates our desire to be value driven. We are also sensitive to the growing need and demand for inexpensive housing. As a result, we are ensuring a healthy product mix by developing reasonably priced homes of multiple configurations and sizes, at a quality standard that will be our trademark. Going forward, we will continue to develop products which are now being expected by today’s more discerning home owners. 

More About Obaidul Karim………….

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